Our History
We are Hotel, we are School, we are Family
Get to know our history
The Hotel Escuela San Cristóbal (HESC) is an initiative of the institute for innovation, development and social impact (iidis) and led by Tomás Aller Floreancig with the aim of developing a training project in work centres that constitutes a source of opportunities for all those people who need to acquire, develop and strengthen their personal, interpersonal and professional skills to be able to commit to their autonomy and their future. As a priority, the mission of the Hotel Escuela San Cristóbal is oriented towards young people and adolescents in need of protection and people in vulnerable situations.
From the Hotel Escuela platform we want to provide a training opportunity linked to a first professional experience in a sector as strategic for Valladolid and for Spain as the hotel and accommodation sector. We are the third generation of a family that has dedicated part of their lives to welcoming people who were passing through Madrid and Valladolid, such as the football teams that visited the Capital, which has allowed us to form part of the history of the Real Madrid Football Club.

Hospitality is as much a part of our trajectory as business vision and initiative management, being promoters -together with other entrepreneurs- of the Provincial Association of Hospitality Entrepreneurs of Valladolid and at regional level in Castilla y León. With the new generation, we have added a strategic perspective, management optimisation through the creation of synergies and orientation towards social impact and the economy of the common good, with the commitment to leave the world a little better than we found it.
The year 2020 prompted an acceleration of many of the myco- and marco-changes that were already taking place some time ago, boosting vectors that were incipient and pointed towards a new way of doing things. This innovation also has to do with the way we do business and with how we face new - and not so new - socio-economic, demographic and cultural challenges, and involves weaving collaborative networks between the private sector, the third sector and public administrations to provide answers to complex realities that involve us all here and now and that constitute our legacy to future generations. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
The Hotel Escuela was created as a space in which to build alliances and strengthen synergies with all the social agents that join forces to create opportunities for young people and people in vulnerable situations, promoting initiatives around three axes:

- The training of future professionals
- Strengthening the business fabric linked to the hotel and accommodation sector.
- The creation of communicating vessels between learning and professional environments, facilitating socio-occupational insertion in conjunction with the efforts of other political, social and economic actors.
With this intention, we became the first Hotel Escuela in Valladolid and its province and we aspire to generate an effective working model that can be developed and adapted in other contexts, while strengthening the sustainability of the project through the entrepreneurial vision.